- Description:
CLT Visiting Colleague, Dr. Alberto Andujar, led a Spanish-American telecollaboration project at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa from 2022-2023. The construct of engagement and motivation was explored in relation with task design in telecollaboration environments. This session will describe the main results and findings regarding the different task types used in the project, as well as students’ motivation towards three types of tasks: information exchange, comparing cultures and product creation.
Results of the UH-UAL telecollaboration project: task types and student’s motivation
Alberto Andujar (Lecturer), University of Almería (Spain)
- Time
- 2:00pm HST
- Audience
- Applicable Language
- All Languages
- Access URL
- https://clt.manoa.hawaii.edu/blog/event/telecollaboration-results/?instance_id=853
- Access Instructions
- This workshop will be held both in person (Moore 257) and via Zoom
- Instructions
- Register for the Zoom link (UH account is required)
- Extra Materials
- [https://go.hawaii.edu/ptX] [ https://vimeo.com/839121368]
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