Teaching Intercultural Communicative Competence with the Regional Flagship Language Initiative Culture Initiative (IALLT webinar)

In this webinar, we will introduce online materials to teach intercultural communicative competence (ICC) developed at UW-Madison as part of the Regional Flagship Language Initiative – Culture Initiative (RFLI-CI). This includes Culture App scenarios (Anishchenkova, V., 2019) and supplemental resources for students and instructors of Hindi, Urdu, Turkish, Azerbaijani and Indonesian. Considerations for teaching culture and language with these materials will be discussed. RFLI-CI is sponsored by the National Security Education Program (NSEP) of the Department of Defense and administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE). It is part of a system designed to foster ICC in participants preparing ...

Integrating films, virtual exchanges, and social issues in the language classroom (IALLT webinar)

The presentation shows the use of films, virtual exchanges, and social issues in the Spanish second language classroom and their integration in the language curriculum. Students in upper-level classes in the U.S. and Colombia participate in weekly synchronous communications developing their intercultural and intracultural communication. The presenter will explain one virtual exchange project and will discuss several aspects of her teaching approach.

Inquiry-Based Language Learning

This talk will focus on inquiry-based learning within the language classroom, more specifically WHY it is important as well as HOW we can successfully engage our students to ask more questions, sparking their curiosity and motivation to learn more about the language, culture, and people we teach about. Inquiry-based learning helps build intercultural communicative awareness and competence while fostering student agency and a sense of connection to our community through conscious global citizenship.