2024 Russian Online Language Pedagogy (OLP) Summer Workshop

Russian Online Language Pedagogy (OLP)  Summer Workshop August 5, 7, & 9, 2024 Online This NFLRC professional learning opportunity, designed specifically for online Russian language teachers, will focus on three key areas of teaching Russian online: 1. Adapting materials and resources (Monday, August 5) 2. Teaching writing and reading in Russian (Wednesday, August 7) 3. Learner interaction (Friday, August 9) Live panel discussions in Zoom: 9:00-10:45 am Hawai‘i | 12:00-1:45 pm Pacific | 1:00-2:45 pm Mountain | 2:00-3:45 pm Central | 3:00-4:45 pm Eastern These interactive live sessions will be followed by related asynchronous tasks (e.g., sharing of resources, posts related to ...

Teaching & Learning Languages in the United States (TELL-US)

The NFLRC is pleased to announce its new Teaching & Learning Languages in the United States (TELL-US) podcast series. The interviews in this professional learning resource for novice LCTL teachers focus on two broad categories: language pedagogy and school culture. The content is designed for professionals who find themselves teaching in a culture and education system that is different from the one they experienced growing up. This year’s series centers on Designing and Delivering Proficiency-Focused Target-Language Input and is hosted by Nicole Naditz (2015 ACTFL Teacher of the Year).  

Teaching Intercultural Communicative Competence with the Regional Flagship Language Initiative Culture Initiative (IALLT webinar)

In this webinar, we will introduce online materials to teach intercultural communicative competence (ICC) developed at UW-Madison as part of the Regional Flagship Language Initiative – Culture Initiative (RFLI-CI). This includes Culture App scenarios (Anishchenkova, V., 2019) and supplemental resources for students and instructors of Hindi, Urdu, Turkish, Azerbaijani and Indonesian. Considerations for teaching culture and language with these materials will be discussed. RFLI-CI is sponsored by the National Security Education Program (NSEP) of the Department of Defense and administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE). It is part of a system designed to foster ICC in participants preparing ...

Critical Thinking in World Language Teaching

Critical thinking, an essential element across academic fields, has been at the heart of education for decades. While research on language education and critical thinking remains somewhat timid, it continues to gain ground among academic communities.  Available studies strongly suggest that pedagogical practices that wed world language teaching and critical thinking can facilitate language acquisition and enhance general proficiency. Despite this progress in the research field, there is nonetheless a general reluctance to integrate critical thinking in language teaching practices (Li, 2011; Pica, 2000) because, arguably, its integration presents more challenges for language educators than for teachers in other fields ...