
VR, AI, and Tech, Oh My! Unleashing the Power of Technology for Languages for Specific Purposes (IALLT webinar)

Language learning for specific professional domains, such as healthcare, law, business, veterinary medicine, etc., requires specialized knowledge and effective training methods. In this webinar, we will explore how virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), and other cutting-edge tech tools can revolutionize the way we teach (and learn) Languages for Specific Purposes.

Language and Technology at the Crossroads: Preview of the IALLT 2023 Conference (IALLT webinar)

In this webinar, leaders of IALLT and members of the conference program committee will give more information about the IALLT 2023 Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, including about the conference sessions, pre- and post-conference workshops, accommodations, conference site, and special events. Conference registration is now open. Join us June 14-17, 2023 in New Orleans, Louisiana!

Call for Proposals: IALLT 2023 Conference

The International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT) is pleased to announce the Call for Proposals for the 2023 IALLT Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. IALLT is a professional organization devoted to the advancement of instructional technology in the teaching and learning of languages, literatures and cultures. The biennial IALLT conference attracts participants from around the world and offers an international perspective on the future of technology in language learning. This conference will be of particular interest to K-12 and post-secondary language instructors, to staff affiliated with media centers and language resource centers, and to developers and vendors of hardware and software applicable to language learning. ...