Full Calendar of Experiences



2025 Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) in Action Summer Institute

summer institute by Rachel Mamiya Hernandez & Betsy Gilliland
At various points in our lives, we each find ourselves immersed in experiences that move us in deeply powerful ways, inspiring intellectual change, personal transformation, and social action. Join us in exploring the use of project-based language learning (PBLL) as a framework for crafting compelling environments and experiences for language learners. During the 2025 NFLRC Summer Institute to be held at Yale University, participants will learn how to orchestrate rich, experiential language learning opportunities that draw on a diverse array of disciplines and how to develop a plan to research the effectiveness of their project design and teaching. Each participant ...

Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism: Encouraging and Supporting All L2 Learners

webinar by Sara Lee
Up to 20% of people in the U.S. have dyslexia, which means that about 4-6 students in every classroom struggle with reading and writing, spelling, and executive functions. How does this manifest in second language acquisition? This workshop will introduce dyslexia from a medical and educational perspective and explain how it presents in second language learning. We will conduct error analyses on writing samples to determine which errors are developmentally expected in language acquisition or could point toward auditory processing challenges or dyslexia. In the second part of the workshop, we will focus on classroom methodology to support learners with ...
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(CLT) Google Sites: You and Me vs. The Blank Page

workshop by Bryan Keith
REGISTER HERE (@hawaii.edu required) Facilitator: Bryan Keith, Media Design Specialist, UH Mānoa, Center for Language & Technology Session 1:  April 1 (Tues), 2:30pm – 3:30pm HST Develop a website-building strategy and begin constructing a website using Google Sites Session 2:  April 8 (Tues), 2:30pm – 3:30pm HST Discuss design principles and design tools and troubleshoot web portfolio problem-areas Sessions will be in-person: Moore Hall 257, UH Mānoa Description: Creating a web portfolio can be a daunting task. Hours can be lost staring at an empty page considering how to begin creating something from nothing. In this Demos & Discussions session, we’ll tackle this problem head-on by ...

Language Reactor: Its Features and Pedagogical Benefits (IALLT webinar)

Language Reactor is a Chrome extension that helps language learning through Netflix and YouTube content by providing dual subtitles and translations. It also provides support for target language webpages and podcasts. This webinar will focus on Language Reactor’s immersive language features and its pedagogical benefits. Presenter: Cheryl Johnson

(CLT) Google Sites: You and Me vs. The Blank Page

workshop by Bryan Keith
REGISTER HERE (@hawaii.edu required) Facilitator: Bryan Keith, Media Design Specialist, UH Mānoa, Center for Language & Technology Session 1:  April 1 (Tues), 2:30pm – 3:30pm HST Develop a website-building strategy and begin constructing a website using Google Sites Session 2:  April 8 (Tues), 2:30pm – 3:30pm HST Discuss design principles and design tools and troubleshoot web portfolio problem-areas Sessions will be in-person: Moore Hall 257, UH Mānoa Description: Creating a web portfolio can be a daunting task. Hours can be lost staring at an empty page considering how to begin creating something from nothing. In this Demos & Discussions session, we’ll tackle this problem head-on by ...

Linguistic Production and Perception in Heritage Language

webinar by Gláucia Silva
Heritage language (HL) speakers tend to assess their linguistic competence in binary terms, such as “good” and “bad,” and to consider that they speak “slang” or a “broken” language (Byram et al., 2021). However, research on HL production does not confirm these perceptions: Rinke et al. (2024) show that structures that prove most challenging for HL bilinguals are also problematic for monolingual speakers. Furthermore, Torregrossa et al. (2023) indicate that age and formal instruction in the HL may lead to better performance in those challenging structures. Drawing on examples from Portuguese grammar, this talk discusses research on linguistic production in ...
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(CLT) Text Mining and Analysis: Digital Humanities Tools for Research

workshop by Courtney Nomiyama
REGISTER HERE (@hawaii.edu required) Facilitator: Courtney Nomiyama, Librarian II, Humanities Librarian, Hamilton Library, UH Mānoa What does it mean to take a bird’s eye view of reading and understanding text? This session introduces text mining, a digital humanities-based approach that combines digital and humanities thinking and methodologies to explore patterns, trends, and other ways of looking at texts that would otherwise not be possible manually. Using open-source software and web-based tools, participants will learn the basics of text mining, including important terms, limitations, sources of text, as well as possible applications for their own work with ample opportunity for hands-on practice ...

(CLT) Accessing Social Media Data for Research

demo by Richard Medina
REGISTER HERE (@hawaii.edu required) Facilitator: Dr. Richard Medina, Associate Faculty Specialist in Human-Computer Interaction, CLT, UH Mānoa Utilize social media data for your research in this engaging one-hour workshop! This session will introduce you to essential techniques for accessing, collecting, and preparing data for research. Examples from YouTube comment threads and Reddit forums will be demonstrated.  You’ll explore methods for using APIs, web scraping tools, and specialized tools for collecting data. Additional tips and best practices for using data APIs for other platforms will be discussed. Discussion will also include ethical considerations to ensure your data collection aligns with privacy and platform ...

(CLT/NFLRC) Publishing Success: Insights from Journal Editors – SLRP

workshop by Jesse Gleason & Senta Goertler
REGISTER HERE Want to get your articles published in academic journals? This special Demos & Discussions series will feature panel discussions by the editors of four online refereed journals published by the National Foreign Language Resource Center: Language Learning & Technology (LL&T), Reading in a Foreign Language (RFL), Language Documentation & Conservation (LD&C), and Second Language Research & Practice (SLRP) Panelists will discuss their journals and their submission & review process, while also providing strategies and tips for getting published in refereed journals in general. Bring your questions!vPanel sessions will be hybrid, allowing for in-person and online participation, and recorded. SESSION 3: Getting Published in ...

(CLT/NFLRC) Publishing Success: Insights from Journal Editors – LL&T / RFL

workshop by Greta Gorsuch & Jing Zhou
REGISTER HERE Want to get your articles published in academic journals? This special Demos & Discussions series will feature panel discussions by the editors of four online refereed journals published by the National Foreign Language Resource Center: Language Learning & Technology (LL&T), Reading in a Foreign Language (RFL), Language Documentation & Conservation (LD&C), and Second Language Research & Practice (SLRP) Panelists will discuss their journals and their submission & review process, while also providing strategies and tips for getting published in refereed journals in general. Bring your questions!vPanel sessions will be hybrid, allowing for in-person and online participation, and recorded. SESSION 2: Getting Published in ...

Doing It (Gender) Justice: Reimagining Language Education Through Trans Knowledges

webinar by Kris Aric Knisely
As people who teach, learn, and research language, the time for us to work toward forms of gender justice that honor and revel in the knowledges and linguistic practices of trans people has long since been here and it grows ever-more overdue in the ongoing wake of globalized and localized forms of anti-trans, anti-education, and other oppressive actions (Knisely, 2023; Knisely & Russell, 2024). If we are to move toward gender justice in language education, we need not only increasingly inclusionary pedagogies, materials, research, and languaging, but also to think beyond the confines of inclusionary discourses alone. When we unscript ...
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