Lynn Fulton
Educational Specialist
World Language Immersion in the Delaware Department of Education
Lynn Fulton is a language educator with extensive experience in classrooms from Kindergarten through grades 16+. She is passionate about giving students early language learning experiences and has spent more than half her career focused on helping schools and districts create such opportunities for all early learners, knowing that early starts help lead students to high levels of language proficiency. As Education Specialist at the Delaware Department of Education, Lynn coordinates the Dual Language Immersion component of the World Language Expansion Initiative, which includes a network of more than forty Chinese and Spanish immersion schools. She works with administrators and teachers on a regular basis to build their capacity to implement and sustain programs that lead students to high levels of academic achievement and language proficiency and regularly designs and delivers professional learning for language educators in a variety of contexts at a variety of levels. Lynn currently serves on the steering committee of the Dual Language Immersion National Research Alliance and has been previously elected to the boards of both the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and the National Council of State Supervisors for Languages. She has received several awards for excellence in teaching, including the South Carolina Foreign Language Teachers’ Association World Language Teacher of the Year Award, and has published articles in journals such as The Language Educator and Learning Languages. She holds B.A. degrees in Spanish and in History from Wofford College, an M.A. in Spanish Language and Literature from Middlebury College – the School in Spain, and is pursuing her doctorate in Educational Leadership at the University of Delaware.