Blended Learning Essentials

Preparing Teachers for the Future: Blended Learning

Blended learning standards (with the focus on teacher preparation). This is lesson 9 of 9 in the Blended Learning Essentials series. In this lesson, you will learn about designing engaging lessons and teaching in a blended learning context. In particular, you will learn about how to focus instruction so that it is learner centered and to recognize the potential for current and emerging technologies that can enhance the learner experience.

High-leverage Practices in Blended Language Teaching

This is lesson 7 of 9 in the Blended Learning Essentials series. In this lesson, you will learn about the concept of High Leverage Practices (HLPs). We will also discuss two HLPs that are likely to facilitate student learning in blended language courses if they are implemented effectively. The Blended Learning Essentials series is a collection of lessons meant as a primer for world language instructors interested in this topic. This series was designed by Tech Center faculty in collaboration with World Language professionals who have national recognition and who are experienced in the design or implementation of blended learning in ...

Building flipped lessons

This is lesson 2 of 9 in the Blended Learning Essentials series. In this lesson you will learn how flipping lessons allows students to work at their own pace and how teachers more easily differentiate for learners. This approach affords more opportunities for interaction and engagement in the target language.

Learning Languages Online: The Hybrid Format

This is lesson 1 of 9 in the Blended Learning Essentials series. This presentation reviews some of the best practices for creating online/hybrid language learning courses by combining both asynchronous tutorial CALL with synchronous social CALL within a task-based curriculum. We show how certain digital tools align nicely with students´learning styles.