IALLT webinar

Language Reactor: Its Features and Pedagogical Benefits (IALLT webinar)

Language Reactor is a Chrome extension that helps language learning through Netflix and YouTube content by providing dual subtitles and translations. It also provides support for target language webpages and podcasts. This webinar will focus on Language Reactor’s immersive language features and its pedagogical benefits. Presenter: Cheryl Johnson

Cultivate Student Agency by Personalizing Your Lessons Using Instructional Technology (IALLT webinar)

Personalizing learning does not mean students do the exact same assignment one way. It means students have choice, actively engage in what they are learning, how they are demonstrating their progress, and curating the most productive means by which to demonstrate knowledge and skills application! Let’s discuss doable, simplified, and creative strategies to personalize learning that productively cultivates student agency. Attendees will interact with student-created personalized products and watch video clips of the Principles of Personalized Learning in action. Sites include Padlet, Adobe Express, Adobe Podcast, and Seesaw E-Portfolio. Attendees receive a list of various activities and strategies for multiple ...

Beyond the Margins: Enhancing Student Engagement With Perusall and Social Annotating in the Classroom (IALLT webinar)

This workshop examines the use of Perusall, a collaborative platform that transforms solitary reading assignments into engaging collective activities. This workshop is tailored for educators looking to enhance their students’ academic reading and writing skills by incorporating social annotating practices that foster critical thinking and in-depth analysis. Discover practical strategies to integrate Perusall into your curriculum, engage your classroom, and stimulate scholarly discussions that extend beyond the margins.

Student-Led Language Exploration and Other Possibilities for Learning Beyond the Curriculum (IALLT webinar)

As course offerings shrink with programs under threat, how can language centers facilitate language practice and continue meeting student needs and interests? Learn how one small center has embraced informal language groups, led by student volunteers and driven entirely by student interests. We’ll examine how these interest groups work and highlight the value of students leading students in language exploration. Beyond this particular model, we’ll exchange views on other relevant, and perhaps strategic, approaches to co-curricular learning that centers might pursue, such as intercultural assessment and learning.

Machine Learning and Grammar Instruction: The Case of German Nominal Gender (IALLT webinar)

Language learners often struggle with particular grammar topics, but with limited instructional time, sometimes these topics do not receive in-depth attention in the classroom. One example of this phenomenon is the gender of German nouns. This presentation showcases a software solution that supplies the reasoning behind the gender of German nouns, aiming to help learners understand the underlying rules. The presentation will highlight the program’s potential for assisting students with background knowledge, and will emphasize that AI solutions extend beyond ChatGPT, offering innovative solutions to language learning challenges.

Academic Integrity in the Face of Artificial Intelligence (IALLT webinar)

After a year of implementation, it is clear that Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools like ChatGPT, Bing Chat & Google Bard, present both opportunities to enhance language learning and threats to the integrity of teaching, learning and assessment. In this webinar, Dr. Bertram Gallant will encourage language instructors to explore the practical ways in which they can think through these opportunities and threats and craft policies to guide ethical GenAI use in the classroom.

Canva Can Do It! (IALLT webinar)

This session will explore the many different ways that language teachers can use Canva to enhance their classes. Canva can also be integrated into many different LMS systems, and best all, Canva for Education allows teachers to access these tools for free. Canva Magic tools for AI will be reviewed, and teachers will come away with many examples of ideas and activities they can do with Canva in their language classes.

Machine Learning and Grammar Instruction: The Case of German Nominal Gender (IALLT webinar)

Language learners often struggle with particular grammar topics, but with limited instructional time, sometimes these topics do not receive in-depth attention in the classroom. One example of this phenomenon is the gender of German nouns. This presentation showcases a software solution that supplies the reasoning behind the gender of German nouns, aiming to help learners understand the underlying rules. The presentation will highlight the program’s potential for assisting students with background knowledge, and will emphasize that AI solutions extend beyond ChatGPT, offering innovative solutions to language learning challenges.

Teaching Intercultural Communicative Competence with the Regional Flagship Language Initiative Culture Initiative (IALLT webinar)

In this webinar, we will introduce online materials to teach intercultural communicative competence (ICC) developed at UW-Madison as part of the Regional Flagship Language Initiative – Culture Initiative (RFLI-CI). This includes Culture App scenarios (Anishchenkova, V., 2019) and supplemental resources for students and instructors of Hindi, Urdu, Turkish, Azerbaijani and Indonesian. Considerations for teaching culture and language with these materials will be discussed. RFLI-CI is sponsored by the National Security Education Program (NSEP) of the Department of Defense and administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE). It is part of a system designed to foster ICC in participants preparing ...

VR, AI, and Tech, Oh My! Unleashing the Power of Technology for Languages for Specific Purposes (IALLT webinar)

Language learning for specific professional domains, such as healthcare, law, business, veterinary medicine, etc., requires specialized knowledge and effective training methods. In this webinar, we will explore how virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), and other cutting-edge tech tools can revolutionize the way we teach (and learn) Languages for Specific Purposes.

iSpraak: A Free Pronunciation Platform (IALLT webinar)

iSpraak is a free and open source online pronunciation platform designed for second language educators. This tool empowers learners to work on their pronunciation in 36 different languages by coupling rich audio models with real-time corrective feedback. This webinar will present a tour of the platform and offer some guidance for attendees wanting to create their own speech activities. This project is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the SLU Research Institute.

Language Center Initiatives that Strategically Impact Teaching and Learning Communities (IALLT webinar)

In this webinar, we will explore and discuss a wide range of initiatives and programming that can be undertaken in and by language centers. It is based on an article written by the presenter and currently found in the 2021 Language Center Handbook (https://iallt.org/resources/publications/). We will walk through the different examples, discuss their purposes, take suggestions for additional activities or initiatives, and explore the broad idea of strategic programming that benefits language centers in multiple ways.

Making Generative AI Work for Language Teachers (IALLT webinar)

This webinar will explore ten ways that language teachers can use generative AI to help support their teaching. These will include lesson plans, resources, bibliographies, question generation, story writing, illustrations, and more. There will be a wide variety of generative AI tools introduced and explored. Participants will come away with practical ways they can use generative AI in their classes.

Language and Technology at the Crossroads: Preview of the IALLT 2023 Conference (IALLT webinar)

In this webinar, leaders of IALLT and members of the conference program committee will give more information about the IALLT 2023 Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, including about the conference sessions, pre- and post-conference workshops, accommodations, conference site, and special events. Conference registration is now open. Join us June 14-17, 2023 in New Orleans, Louisiana!

Creating animated gifs to instruct and inspire in the languages classroom (IALLT webinar)

In this session, Joe Dale will explore many ways in which animated gifs can be used to bring language learning to life, by reinforcing sentence structure, practicing dialogues, modeling grammar use, and giving personalized feedback. You will see how easy it is to produce your own mini-animations to embellish your presentations and connect with your learners. Presenter: Joe Dale is an independent languages consultant from the UK who works with organisations such as The British Council, the BBC, Skype, Microsoft and The Guardian. He was host of the TES MFL forum for six years, a regular conference speaker and recognised ...

Integrating films, virtual exchanges, and social issues in the language classroom (IALLT webinar)

The presentation shows the use of films, virtual exchanges, and social issues in the Spanish second language classroom and their integration in the language curriculum. Students in upper-level classes in the U.S. and Colombia participate in weekly synchronous communications developing their intercultural and intracultural communication. The presenter will explain one virtual exchange project and will discuss several aspects of her teaching approach.

Advising in Language Learning: Unlocking learners’ potential (IALLT webinar)

Many language learners, particularly those who may be studying in non-degree programs or even in an extracurricular mode, struggle to sustain their motivation for learning and to find an effective way to learn. Advising for language learning is offered in many self-access learning centers in Japan to support these students. In these sessions, a learner and an advisor engage in a dialogic reflective process to help the learner articulate their needs and goals, make a plan for learning, and sustain their learning routine. In this webinar I will introduce a basic model of advising and suggest how it can be ...

How Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Fosters Language and Intercultural Skills (IALLT webinar)

How Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Fosters Language and Intercultural Skills In our interconnected and interdependent world, students need to develop an intercultural view of global challenges and their local implications. Students also need the skills to deal with these challenges responsibly, creatively, and collectively. “The world is our classroom; the sky is the limit”: These metaphors describe the almost unlimited variety of possibilities for collaborative teaching and learning across geographic, cultural, and even subject boundaries. In this IALLT webinar, you will learn how COIL/VE enhances language learning at all levels hear about the benefits and limits of COIL/VE scenarios ...

Moving ‘towards’ the Metaverse, and the implications for language teaching (IALLT webinar)

Moving ‘towards’ the Metaverse, and the implications for language teaching What does the metaverse mean for us as language teachers or researchers and what is it? Is this really something new or a rebranding of another idea? What opportunities and/or drawbacks does the metaverse have for us and our students? This presentation will begin with an examination of the fictional history of the metaverse, followed by technical innovations that led to our current stage of development, ranging from text-based creations, to 2D avatar-based environments, and on to low-immersion Virtual Worlds, all of which led to what many are (erroneously) calling ...