Innovation Webcasts

Innovation Webcasts present ideas for the implementation of technologies in language teaching and learning, with a special focus on sharing what works in Language Flagship programs. Browse this collection to garner ideas from Language Flagship faculty, language center personnel, private-sector entrepreneurs, and other partners in the Language Flagship’s community of practice.

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Affordances of Google Meet

Duration: 27 mins Presented by Carlos Mayerstein A graduate from CSULB’s Spanish master’s program, Carlos Mayerstein is a Spanish Instructor at the CSULB Language Training Center. Besides his experience as a lecturer of undergraduate online and face-to-face Spanish...

Tutoring 4-Skills through Padlet

Duration: 54 mins Presented by Attia Youseif In this presentation, Dr. Youseif demonstrates a platform that can save time and effort, keep things very organized, and facilitate quality control with your tutoring team. See how to use Padlet to achieve maximum...

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1890 East West Road

Moore Hall 256

Honolulu, HI 96822

(808) 956-5121