- Description:
The Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) Conference Committee invites proposals for its 2022 conference.
Cultures and Languages in a Changing Worldhosted by the Central New York CLAC Working GroupDecember 2-3, 2022OnlineProposal Deadline: September 15, 2022Proposal Submission Form: https://clacconsortium.org/clac2022/Cultures and Languages in a Changing WorldThe COVID-19 pandemic forever transformed how we think about education, access, and the tools we have at our disposal. We also live in a world of profound social changes, armed conflicts, and geopolitical alignments. What is the role of Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) in this changing world? To recognize and address these issues and simultaneously celebrate more than 30 years of the CLAC movement, we will host a conference with the theme “Cultures and Languages in a Changing World.” The conference seeks to encourage reflections on how CLAC is responding to our current times, taking stock of CLAC’s history, and asking what the movement will look like in the coming years.
Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) is a curricular framework that provides opportunities to develop and apply language and intercultural competence within all academic disciplines through the use of multilingual resources and the inclusion of multiple cultural perspectives (https://clacconsortium.org/about-2/defining-clac/).The CLAC Conference Committee invites proposals that address topics such as:- Understanding global challenges through CLAC
- CLAC and DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion)
- Starting and revitalizing a CLAC program
- Promoting CLAC to stakeholders
- Funding and staffing CLAC
- Instructor training, professional development, pedagogical approaches
- CLAC and community-engaged learning
- CLAC and assessment
- The role of CLAC in community colleges, liberal arts colleges, research institutions, etc.
- CLAC and language programs
- Internationalization, education abroad, international students
- Global course connections, telecollaboration, inter-institutional collaborations
- Addressing linguistic and cultural privilege
- Theoretical underpinnings, allied fields, research priorities
Session FormatsProposals may be submitted in four formats:1. Individual/Interactive SessionAn individual/interactive session is designed to provide an engaging forum for the exchange of ideas around a specific topic. Formats can include presentation, debates, audience question-led sessions, interviewer and interviewee sessions, poll-taking, gamification, videos, examples of CLAC assignments and exercises, or testimonials from student and faculty CLAC participants, etc. Individual/interactive sessions are 20 minutes, with time distributed according to format, for example, 20 minutes of discussion, or 15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion/feedback.2. Panel PresentationPre-organized panels consist of three individual 15-minute presentations focused on one central topic. Panels are followed by 15 minutes of discussion and feedback.3. Roundtable DiscussionRoundtable discussions are designed for participants to learn from each other. The format is a small group discussion focusing on one specific topic. The roundtable organizer(s) are expected to prepare guiding questions, facilitate discussion, and collect and share resources at the end of the session. Roundtable discussions are 60 minutes in length and should include time for audience feedback and questions.4. Digital PosterPosters are visual presentations focused on a particular topic. Poster sessions are designed to present original ideas and innovations in research, as well as new techniques or technologies being used to facilitate CLAC and the internationalization of higher education. Digital posters will be shared with attendees in breakout rooms during a dedicated 60-minute session period.Proposal RequirementsSubmit your proposal in the online proposal submission form. Please note the following sections of the proposal are required:- Session Format
- Title (up to 20 words)
- Presenter Information: Name, institution/organization, email, and a brief bio (up to 75 words) for each presenter. There may be one or more presenters.
- Conference Topic(s): Select the topic(s) that best fit the proposal
- Abstract (100-200 words): Briefly describe your session and indicate its connection to the conference theme/topic(s) as well as what each presenter, if more than one, will contribute. Description should be in final, publishable format, error-free, and should not include citations. It will be included in the conference program.
For any questions, please contact the organizers at cnyclac@gmail.com.
Call for Proposals: Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) Conference
video conference
- Time
- Audience
- Applicable Language
- All Languages
- Access URL
- https://clacconsortium.org/clac2022/
- Access Instructions
- Instructions
- Extra Materials
- Sponsor
- Central New York CLAC Working Group
- Series
- Related Topics