Leveling up with AI: Open CLT Forums on AI Use Cases for Language Learning (4-session series)

Leveling up with AI: Open CLT Forums on AI Use Cases for Language Learning (4-session series)

Come & talk story! The four sessions in this series are: 9/6 (Wed): ChatGPT for Generating Language Examples 9/14 (Thurs): The Power of the Prompt: ChatGPT Prompts & Language Learning 9/20 (Wed): Rethinking Assessments with Generative AI 9/28 (Thurs): AI Tools for Language Teaching In this series of four sessions, CLT faculty invite participants to meet and discuss topics related to the use of AI technology (e.g., ChatGPT) for teaching languages. Each session is an open forum format where participants and CLT faculty can discuss different uses of AI for language learning. CLT faculty will be on hand at each session to introduce the ...